[Photo: free image iStock_GOWIII_Texture.] Alone in my dimmed room with just the glow of my salt lamp to my right, I sit and stare
I’ve got nothing against Craig David, I actually like this song and I feel it is a good fit to go with today’s post. Today’s
[Photo: Book vector created by freepik – www.freepik.com] I’ve read many books over the years and some stick vividly in my mind, some I remember
[Photo: free image iStock_000021076536Illustra] Unrequited love Yea. That. If you’ve been through it or are going through it, you’ll know it’s pretty shit. Most of
Image Source from storypick.com As I scanned the bookshop today searching for something interesting to read about relationships, people, psychology etc. I was drawn to
[Photo courtesy of EBM Photography: thanks Emma!] Today’s blog post is about moving forward. About taking action and moving forward. I’ve been stuck in my
[Photo courtesy of EBM Photography: thanks Emma!] I have a lot to say. I could talk for Britain if you let me. But hardly anyone
[Photo courtesy of EBM Photography: thanks Emma!] I’m at that classic age where I’m supposed to start settling down and being sensible. On social
[Photo courtesy of EBM Photography: thanks Emma!] All relationships are fun in the beginning. There’s passion, drama and excitement. You feel totally head over heels
[Photo courtesy of EBM Photography: thanks Emma!] To what extent do we do things for love and how much for the idea of love? Are
[Photo courtesy of EBM Photography: thanks Emma!] Many people ask me what is the secret? Apparently I’m inspirational. I must be blissfully happy and