What I’m reading in 2019
I love to read. I am a book worm, a word nerd and a linguist.
From a young age, I have had my nose buried in books of all genres and I love to continually learn about new things. My mind is inquisitive, curious and I’m just plain nosy. I also hate being in a room where I feel like an idiot and can’t add to the conversation so I try to expose myself to all kinds of genres, topics and styles of writing and education to open my mind to other perspectives. I can’t really tell you how many books I’ve read in total, nor how many I read each year as it tends to vary. But usually, my books tell you where my mind is at and reflect what is going on in my life at that time. The writings and teachings of others through books I’ve read have helped me through some tough times and given me hope, strength, courage and inspiration and have literally been lifesavers. They have also helped prepare me for events and additionally illuminated the path I am on confirming where I am going. Books are more than just words on a page; they are experiences, advice, hopes, dreams, escapism and love created by talented individuals who want to make the world a better place, to entertain others, to help others, to celebrate others, to be the voice of many and to give something back and create a legacy for the future. I love books, I will always love storytellers and I will always be thankful that these people had the courage, patience, dedication and passion to sit for hours on end to create their work for us to enjoy. So, without further adieu, here is my reading list for 2019. 🙂
Women’s Romance:
Christmas Under Fire (Mountie Brotherhood)
Accidental Eyewitness (Mountie Brotherhood)
Wilderness Pursuit (Mountie Brotherhood)
The Christmas Sisters: The Sunday Times top ten feel-good and romantic bestseller!
Women Who Think Too Much: How to break free of overthinking and reclaim your life
Heal and Move On: Seven Steps to Recovering from a Break-Up
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting
Mating in Captivity: How to keep desire and passion alive in long-term relationships
48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal
How NOT to Write a Novel: 200 Mistakes to avoid at All Costs if You Ever Want to Get Published
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Young Adult / Fantasy:
Eyes of Wynter (Storm Bloodline Saga Book 1)